Corporate Vision All Nursing Health Services Inc
The goal of All Nursing Health Services Inc. is to serve as your one-stop shop for all health care needs. A location where individuals seeking health care services or in need of them can find what they need for whatever level of health care need. Clients will receive care services from us in the comfort of their own homes.
Furthermore, All Nursing Health Services Inc. aims to offer managerial assistance and consulting services to healthcare institutions for effective and efficient operations, which will benefit the inhabitants of those facilities.
Company Profile
All Nursing Health Services Inc. is a Vancouver-based home health care and nursing care service provider that specializes in elderly care. Our team of experts also provides consulting services to Long-term care institutions, nursing schools, and other health institutions.
All Nursing Health Services Inc was founded by Touraj Ghanbar-zadeh in 2004. Touraj is an award recipient from Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care for his commitment to enriching the lives of the elderly.
Touraj has a degree in Nursing as well as a Master’s in Health Administration. Touraj has worked in management at Kennedy Lodge, City of Toronto Homes for the Aged, Casa Verde Health Center, Villa Colombo Services for Seniors, Capilano Care Center, and Fair Haven United Church Homes.
According to Touraj, people of various ages and with a wide range of health care demands (both immediate and long-term) will be able to maintain high-quality lifestyles far into old age if autonomy and independence are fostered and encouraged. Touraj believes, that people like to have a say in the health care services they require in terms of promptness, ease of access to reliable services, and the optimum setting for administering those services, which is their homes.